MagGrip Expand

Flash Modifier, MagGrip

美國磁模® │閃燈配件 美國磁模® │閃燈配件


you can never have too many modifiers. With the MagGrip on your flash, you can instantly (and quietly!) add our magnetic modifiers to control the color, shape, and level of light in your shot.

More details

  • 磁力套座 (MAGGRIP)
  • 磁力套座2(MAGGRIP2 )限量現貨供應中!

880 NT$

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官網購物只接受: ATM轉賬,其它付款需求請至其它平台: PCHOME 綠攝人專賣店

Velcro is for grandma’s shoes.

Not for speedlites.

Gone are the days of fighting with annoying velcro, sticky adhesives, bulky straps or mad scientist DIY contraptions to secure modifiers to your flash.

With two freakishly strong magnets embedded in the MagGrip, you can add and remove our magnetic modifiers in an instant. You’ll work more efficiently—and look like the professional you are.

Zombie apocalypse-proof construction.

The MagGrip is a flexible silicone band that stretches over your flash and stays put no matter what you do.

Silicone rubber retains 99% of its elasticity over time—even after long, repeated use. Drop it on the floor, shove it deep within your bag—heck, run it over with your car. The MagGrip can take it.

Universally awesome.

The MagGrip’s universal design attaches to almost any hotshoe flash ever made, making it one small investment that grows with you and your business.

Want to upgrade your flash later down the road? No prob. The MagGrip works with a variety of mixed flash brands, so you won’t need to upgrade all of your modifiers when you move up to a different size flash. You’re welcome.

*The Nikon SB-900 has a small button on the underside of the flash head.  Nikon uses this to tell the flash when you have mounted the included Nikon diffuser, and forces and restricts the flash to zoom to 14mm, it’s widest setting.  Sometimes with the MagGrip installed, the button will be depressed, and you will not be able to change the zoom on your flash.  Nikon apparently realized this flaw and improved it on the SB-910.  If you shoot with a SB-900, you can try adding a washer or some layers of tape to prevent this button from being depressed.

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Flash Modifier, MagGrip

Flash Modifier, MagGrip